酒藏 Brewery: 若竹屋酒造場 Wakatakeya Shuzo
地區 Origin: 福岡縣 Fukuoka prefecture
杜氏 Brewer: 横尾 正敏 YOKOO Masatoshi
水源 Water Source: 耳納連山筑後川伏流水 Subsoil from Chikugogawa in Minou mountain range
酒米品種 Rice species: 夢一獻 精米歩合 Yume-Ikkon
精米歩合 Rice polish rate: 68%
日本酒度 Sake Meter Value : 20
酸度 1.5 Acidity
酒精度 Alcohol Content: 15%
飲用方法 Suggested Serving: 冷飲, 暖飲, 熱飲 Cold, Warm, Hot
是使用福岡縣產酒米夢一獻與現在傳統的 9號酵母釀造的純米酒。是美味和簡潔良 好酸味的特徵。 推薦以38~40°C左右的暖酒享用。 與醬油類出眾地相合。
Made from Yume-Ikkon of sake brewing rice made in Fukuoka-ken and traditional yeast of number 9 to used. The delicious taste and the good sour taste of the dryness are the feature. 38-40 °C warmed sake is recommended.
It's outstanding in the chemistry with the soy sauce.