付款教學 Payment instruction


PayMe 手機付款連結 Mobile Payment link:

1. 掃描QR Code或按以上連結到Urban Nutters賬戶
2. 輸入付款銀碼,並於訊息欄中寫下閣下的電郵地址以之識別
3. 最後請拍攝螢幕上已付款的版面以作紀錄
4. 我們會盡力於一至兩個工作天內查閲並以電郵或電話方式確認閣下的付款
5. 完成!謝謝您的訂購!

1. Scan QR code with "HSBC PayMe" App or click above link to our PayMe account
2. Enter Checkout Total price at the amount and your contact email to message field
3. Screen capture the completion page as record
4. We shall confirm your payment within one to two working day via email/mobile
5. All done! Thank you for shopping with us!


轉數快 (FPS) 

轉數快 FPS ID : 6031686 (港幣儲蓄戶口 HKD saving account)
商戶名稱 Merchant NameThe Nutters Limited

1. 請登入閣下的轉數快(FPS)銀行戶口
2. 選擇以FPS ID辦認收款人
3. 填寫戶口資料
4. 最後請拍攝螢幕上已付款的版面以作紀錄
5. 我們會盡力於一至兩個工作天內查閲並以電郵或電話方式確認閣下的付款
6. 完成!謝謝您的訂購!

1. Please login to your FPS bank account
2. Select recipient by entering FPS ID
3. Fill in below information
4.  Screen capture the completion page as record
5. We shall confirm your payment within one to two working day via email/mobile
6. All done! Thank you for shopping with us!